
Showing posts from May, 2011

Rocketfish RF-HV3 (Mobile iPod Dock) Disable Automatic Standby

I have  a rocketfish rf-hv3 mobile ipod dock thing which works quite nicely, runs off 4 AA's or a wall-wart and has quite nice sound quality for 2 little speakers. Issue is if no signal is recieved from the line-in or ipod dock after 5 minutes then the device will automatically shutdown. This is a problem because when I first got it I planned to use my iTouch as an alarm and charge the itouch at night but after 5 minutes it would turn off and when my iTouch started going off it wouldn't play any music to wake me up. Also its an issue when I use the line-in to connect it to my Yaesu HT and after 5 minutes of silence on the repeater it shuts off and then when something does come trough I never hear it... Well after messing around with my little digital osc. ( DSO Nano v2 ) on the dock, I noticed the N79E825 MCU which runs the dock has the (left?) mono signal going to pin 16 which is the P0.5/CMPREF/AD2 pin. Well with some trial and error I've noticed if that pin stays low f...